Rod Page demonstration. Gallery

Kick off
Rod started by turning the blank round.
Shaping up.
He then went on shaping the dish.
At the sharpening centre
Always important to keep the tools sharp.
Rod fitted his indexing ring behind the chuck.
Starting the lattice work using the router.
Completing the pattern
The rim of the dish fully routed.
On the other side.
The other side was latticed using turning tools.
Out side
The underside of the completed dish.
The inside of the completed dish.
Next product.
Rod went on to show his method of making a lattice ball. this is the blank turned to the round.
The inside of the ball with the lattice cuts made.
The outside was completed using the router and indexer.
Rod polishing on the mop.
Completed balls
He brought along some latticed spheres that he made.
A variation.
Another item Rod brought along.
I guess Rod knows his onions !!!!